Jan 20, 2009

What time is it?

I started the day out with this emerging from my lips, "What time is it?" It was 4:45. A great time to get up and get ready to hit the gym. Yeah, right. I'm surprised I remembered to brush my teeth this morning. Though, morning breath might have come in handy in order to get one of the TV treadmills.
Who thought of this nutty plan to move our workouts to the early, early AM? Jess, of course. I would never think of such a crazy thing. I like to sleep. Well, OK. He might have had a little help from me. But just a little. I tried to talk him out of it.
See I like working out in the morning. It energizes me makes me feel strong and fit, even though it is only in my mind. Plus the thought of my workout doesn't sit on my mind all day as something I have to do. By the time I get off work, I am usually dreading it. So Jess suggested we try working out before work. That would be a great idea, if I didn't leave the house at 6:30 every morning. So, all workout-ing would have to be finished before then. That means - you guessed it - getting to the gym no later than 5:30.
We did it though. We walked (crawled) in bleary eyed at a chipper (insane) 5:30 in the morning. I jumped (dragged myself) onto the only treadmill with a TV and jogged (walked) for 15 minutes at 3.6 mph. Then, I hit the weights. I just love those weights! I don't want to look like a body builder or anything (EeekS!), but I always feel stronger after lifting. Then, I rushed (at a snails pace) to my car and drove bright eyed and bushy tailed to work. Well, that lasted about 5 minutes then reality sank in. Then I turned into tired and dragging, I was just hoping to get to work before I sank below the steering wheel.
But you know what? It was sooo worth it! I don't have to work out this afternoon. I am enjoying my evening without trying to fit everything around my workout. It's amazing. Now, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, but at least I'm not dreading it.

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