Feb 1, 2009


We have been dragging ourselves out of bed at 4:45 each weekday for two weeks now. I can't say I'm loving it, but I can say it is sooo worth it. Jess has a much better attitude about it than do. I keep hoping that something will happen to keep us from going that early. I'm not asking for much maybe a mild earthquake, a barfing dog, or a hangnail will do. But once I get there, I am very glad that I am there - and getting it over with. Needless to say the "I can't wait to get to the gym" mindset has not kicked in.

However, a friend, who sees me everyday, recently told me she was able to see a difference. So hey! The workouts might be paying off! I'm just looking for a change on the scale and in my jeans. (I am seeing some difference in my tops, but the jeans are proving to be stubborn.)

To keep me on track, I'm going to put my workout out there for all to see (and laugh at.) I'm trying to remember that I'm just beginning. So, no smart comments about being a wimp or something. I hear tons of that in my head already.

OK. I trade off days between lifting weights and cardio stuff. On Cardio days, I spend 30 minutes on the treadmill (one with a TV, of course.) On the fives and tens, I jog for one minute. It works out that I end up with a four minute walk and one minute jog. Pretty wimpy I know, but it is better than only walking. To top off the cardio days, I either ride a bike or do the elliptical for 15 minutes. I dread this day. It is sweaty, nasty, and hard. Yep. No fun for me until it is over. Then I try to leave the gym with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Unfortunately, I have only managed to walk upright and not glare at the desk attendant.

My Favorite, but by no means easier, day is my weight day, as I call it. On those days, I tend to walk on the treadmill for 15 minutes to get my heart pumping and wake myself up a little. Then I start lifting. It looks something like this:

  1. Abdominal Crunch - 70 lbs
  2. Back Extension - 85 lbs
  3. Lateral Pull down - 60 lbs
  4. Seated Row - 40 lbs
  5. Shoulder Press - 20 lbs
  6. Chest Press - 20 lbs
  7. Pectoral Fly - 55 lbs
  8. Biceps Curl - 40 lbs
  9. Triceps Extension - 45 lbs
  10. Leg Extension - 70 lbs
  11. Seated Leg Curl - 70 lbs
  12. Leg Press - 130 lbs
  13. Hip Abduction - 150 lbs
  14. Hip Adduction - 150 lbs
  15. Horizontal Calf - 130 lbs
  16. Glutes - 80 lbs
  17. Finally, I do this thing I think is called the Roman Chair. You stand in it at about a 45 degree angle. There is this pad that sits at hip level. When you manage to get into this thing, you bend over as far as possible and straighten back up. I do this 10 times just straight up and down. To get more of my abs, I do this exercise 10 more times with a 10lb weight as I rotate to each side.

When I leave on these days, I'm a little tender in the muscle areas and I'm pooped, but I'm not near as sweaty. I just hate sweating. I think that should be left to guys. Guys seem to like to sweat. They seem all happy and invigorated after they sweat. Me, I just feel nasty. There is nothing nastier than having a bead of sweat roll down your back. Yuck!!!

1 comment:

tpot said...

Yeah! You are doing great, and I can't believe you are waking up so early!!! Keep up the good workouts. It will pay off. I am super-duper impressed and wish I could do some of that stuff. Some day.