Nov 3, 2008

Only Two Stops

I made it up that dang ol' hill with only 2 rest stops. Not too shabby for the second time up it. I swear - I'm going to make it up without stopping someday.

I made need to change my route a little bit. I timed it today and it took me 10 minutes to reach the hill from where I started. Then, about 10 minutes to get to the top. (That's with 2 rest breaks.) It takes the entire first 10 minutes for my legs to quit screaming at me. (You know the drill- "What the Heck? Are you nuts? Stop it right now!") Just about the time my legs decide to join the effort - I hit the hill. Maybe if I gave my legs a bit more time to warm up, I'd do better. It's a thought!

My time today? 11 miles in 57 minutes. As a friend reminded me, that's 3 minutes shaved off my previous time. Not too bad. Every little bit counts. At least, I hope it does.

I'm not riding tomorrow. I agreed to do some PRN work. However, I'm planning on riding Wednesday. Plus, Wednesday is the weekly weigh in at work. Wish me luck! I want to win that pot of money.

By the way.... My legs are sore and so is my booty and woohoo. Ouch!

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